HyperDrive Works


Name:  ME Williamson
Date:  6 March 2020
Thrust:  6-8 pounds
Model:  HyperDrive LV1
Location:  SolarSnap Facility
Apparatus:  Simple scale
Occupation:  Inventor
Test ID:  12

HyperDrive LV1, first successful live test of the first prototype motor. Used scale on floor of factory. Scale is ordinary bathroom scale and measures in pounds.

Test showed positive thrust results. There was no perturbation or oscillation as was experienced during 28-Feb test.

Test results appear to confirm that a force is being generated downward as planned. There was a great deal of bounce with the needle of the scale, perhaps caused by vibration and also an oscillation in the force potentials.

Success! Although the scale needle was bouncing it seemed to indicate that there is thrust being generated counter to the weight of the HyperDrive between 6-8 pounds. This would appear to be a significant day in the evolution of human propulsion technology. The force of gravity shall no longer solely bind us to our home planet.

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As of 11 JAN 2021 the new test apparatus is finally completed and in use. You can see the first test here. You can read more about our testing methodology here HyperDrive Testing Methodology.

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